View a config file without comments
Sometimes you have a config file that has is heavily annotated (which is great). But sometimes you just want to
Importing a Maildir using Dovecot
I’m looking into using Dovecot as a way to store all my old emails (I have emails going back
Re-signing an Enterprise iOS app
If you have an in-house app that you’ve distributed across your organisation as part of the iOS Enterprise program,
Setting up SSL on an AWS Elastic Load Balancer
Here’s how to get an SSL certificate (from DigiCert) and install it on your AWS ELB.
Step 1: Create
DOS to Unix line endings with bash
This is a command that works in Git Bash on Windows to recursively replace \r\n line endings with \n.
Replacing a domain name in WordPress with sed
I often need to do this, but always forget the syntax. So this is more for my reference than anybody